JDSB Weekly Update - 11/24/2019

Now on Sundays

November 24, 2019

While there is no event this week, we’ll be back at the Wayward on December 2nd and Optimism Brewing on December 9th.

What we do have hot off the press this week is a JDSB LinkedIn presence! We’re looking forward to learning how to best utilize the platform as we grow as an organization. It is another avenue for sharing resources, events, and fostering professional connections. So please head over and give the page a follow, as well as the #jdsb, #juniordevstrugglebus, and #juniordevstrugglebuslife community hashtags.

As always, feel free to shout out suggestions to us. The JDSB Slack is a great place to do just that. While you’re there, you could peak into the #jdsb-website-n-blog channel and see how a few of our members have been working to update our website’s resource page. It’s been a long time coming, but they have been migrating it from a Google sheet to FaunaDB and serverless functions. Just about everything we do is open source and open to all of you for contribution, so don’t be shy about poking around for a fun little project or just to see what everyone else is up to.

Have a safe holiday week, JDSB. Whether you’re spending it celebrating with friends and family or just letting it quietly slip by. We’ll see some of you post-food coma on the 2nd! :)